How to Choose the Perfect Athletic Shoes


Walking is my favorite form of exercise. It doesn’t require a certain skill, you can do it almost anywhere, and all you need are a good pair of comfortable shoes. Yeah, about that… I’ve discovered over the years that finding suitable athletic shoes that are stylish, fit well, and don’t cost an arm and a leg isn’t always easy. For example, I’ll see a style I like but unfortunately it’s made for running instead of walking. Or, I’ll love the way the shoes feel on my feet, but they look like those ugly orthopedic clodhoppers my great aunt wore!

I know some of you can relate to my dilemma. I mean, there are so many brands and types of footwear to choose from nowadays, where do you begin? It’s a bit overwhelming to say the least.

My objective today is to cut through all the confusion and help women like me find athletic shoes that fit their needs, lifestyle, and budget.

Athletic shoes are usually grouped into three main categories: Running (or Jogging), Walking, and Cross-Training.  Here’s a little info on each, plus recommended brands/styles in various price ranges (to make it simple, I’m sending you to

You’ll want extra cushioning, maximum shock absorption, and good heel support, as well as decent traction for optimum performance on pavement or dirt. Visit Runner’s World for advice on buying the right running shoes.

Good Picks:
Asics Women’s Gel-Nimbus              $$$$
Nike Women’s Air Zoom Pegasus    $$$$
Saucony Women’s Cohesion                  $$


The Asics Gel-Nimbus Running Shoe is a big contender in this category!


The soles on walking shoes are slightly rounded and flexible so the foot can roll easily from heel to toe. The best ones are lightweight and breathable, and also have some shock absorption in the heel. Go to for help picking the perfect walking shoes.

Good Picks:
Asics Women’s GEL-Tech Neo
New Balance Women’s WW1065     $$
Ryka Women’s Devotion                     $$


This cool-looking Ryka Walking Shoe is a winner in every way!


Cross-trainers are great for people who do a variety of workouts, like weight lifting, yoga, kickboxing, and aerobics. You can also use them for light jogging on the treadmill or hiking. Look for ones with a firm heel, ample support, and some flexibility to accommodate a range of activities. Go to for tips on selecting quality cross-trainers.

Good Picks
Nike Women’s Flex Supreme TR 3
Asics Women’s GEL-Blur33 TR                   $$
New Balance Women’s WX608V3               $


Women are raving about this Nike Flex Trainer!


NOTE:  If you participate in a particular activity on a regular basis (e.g., you’re an avid golfer, tennis player, runner, or cyclist), you’re better off going with shoes that are designed specifically for that sport.

Some things to consider when shopping for athletic shoes:

  • Go to a specialty store where the staff can offer expert advice and assistance. Nothing’s worse than shopping at a department store and having someone who is completely clueless wait on you!
  • Have your feet measured at the store – don’t just go by size as it can vary by brand and style.
  • Try them on at the end of the day or after a workout when your feet are larger.
  • Wear socks you usually wear when working out.
  • Walk around, jump up and down, and run in place to make sure there’s enough wiggle room in the toe area and also that your heels don’t slip out of the shoes.
  • Make sure they fit and feel comfortable right away. You shouldn’t have to break them in.
  • Bring an old pair of shoes with you so the salesperson can check the wear and determine your gait.
  • Don’t go by looks alone. Focus on fit, comfort, and performance first.
  • Mention if you have high arches, flat feet, bunions, weak ankles, or conditions like plantar fasciitis, or Achilles tendonitis as these things will determine the types of shoes you can wear. In some cases, you may need to get special insoles.

Once you settle on a brand, style, and size that’s right for you, see if you can get those shoes online for less! Check out these online specialty stores:

Finally, if you want your nice new athletic shoes to last longer, try to use them solely for exercising or a specific sport. In other words, don’t wear them for knocking around. Have a pair or two of fun sneakers on hand for shopping, running errands, and other everyday activities.


Happy Feet, Warner Bros. Pictures

Smart Perks blogger Catherine B. finally got a decent pair of walking shoes after wearing the wrong ones for years, and her feet are very happy she did!


Which Wearable Works Best for You?


Fitbits, FuelBands, Jawbones: We’ve all heard of them, but do you really know how to use them? Or even what they are?

All of the above are just a few examples of different types of wearables, or technology pieces that serve a variety of functions, ranging from monitoring heart rate to playing music. In this case, these are all activity trackers, which are watches that track, well, your activity.

This can be useful for monitoring how many calories you burn, steps you take, and  what your heart rate is. They are especially useful if you’re trying to get in better shape, because you get information on your progress right there on your wrist! You can even wear some of them to sleep and wake up with a little report on what your night was like – how often you were restless, when you were in deep sleep, when exactly you woke up.

Basically, activity trackers are simply a great way to give you feedback on your own body.  Sounds good, right? If you need some help deciding which of the main fitness wearables is best for you, have no fear: here is a roundup of the top performers and why they might be the watch for you!



Probably the most popular of the activity trackers, there are 8 different models to choose from in a range of prices and functions.

Actually, their website has a test you can take to see which one matches your needs most. I have the Charge HR, which is primarily different from some of the others because it monitors your heart rate (hence the HR part), and I absolutely love it.

While I don’t always remember to charge it and sometimes forget to put it on in the morning, whenever I do wear it I love looking at the data. With just a quick push of a button, I’m reminded that I’ve only taken 2,000 steps today – a full 8,000 under the recommended 10,000 to take a day. When I’m exercising, it’s a great motivator to be able to look down and see how many calories you’re burning.

Though some spring for the pricey Fitbit Blaze ($250), for people on a tighter budget, the Charge is just as good and definitely less costly. Plus, it now comes in pink – a great gift for Mother’s Day.

Price: $59.95 – $249.95

Tip: This applies to all activity trackers, not just the Fitbit, but the prices vary significantly from store to store. Definitely shop around before purchasing one!



This sleek device, just like a Fitbit, is worn on your wrist and tracks your activity. How it differs: Whereas the Fitbit is great for even the most sedentary of people, the Nike+ FuelBand really kicks it up a notch.

First you determine your daily goal for what you want to accomplish that day, and then the FuelBand tracks your progress – whether it’s running, playing basketball, or walking – and changes colors from red to green throughout the day, giving you an idea of what your progress has been.

From what I’ve heard from people who have them, one of the biggest draws to the FuelBand is this very visual reminder of your activity levels. Because of the way the Nike+ Fuel app is set up, every day seems like a competition with yourself – but in the most positive way possible! Just note that you will need a smartphone in order to most effectively use a Fuelband, as it works in tandem with an app.

Price: $149.99



The fitness tracker Jawbone Up has 4 different options, of which the most acclaimed is the Jawbone UP2. Though it first came out awhile ago, this activity wearable is still very popular.

Why? Because at just under $100, it’s cheaper than some of the others on the market, but without losing any of the quality. It tracks both sleep and steps, as well as monitoring calories burned. It’s also unobtrusive and easy to use; it doesn’t have any buttons or a screen, so you switch between active or sleep mode with just a tap.

Although it doesn’t monitor heart rate, one advantage it does have is a “smart” alarm. This can be set before you go to bed so that the Jawbone UP2 wakes you up during a lighter stage of your rest in the morning, which is helpful for waking up feeling refreshed rather than restless.

Like with all of these fitness trackers, it’s unfortunately not waterproof, but it is considered water resistant: a definite plus for those of us (I’m not pointing fingers!) who may sweat a lot.

Price: $49.99 – $199.99

There are plenty of other options out there on the market, but these are the basics of the major three activity trackers. If you’re interested in others, this article is a really useful tool to help you decide.

Whichever one you choose, know that you’re one step closer to reaching your 10,000 step goal. And if you need any advice on how to take all of those steps, hope this helps!

Blogger Katie U., a SmartPerks employee, all too often forgets to charge her Charge HR. Don’t let it happen to you!



Get Up, Get Out & Do Something


According to Cher, “If fitness came in a bottle, everyone would have a great body.”

Ain’t that the truth?!?

I don’t know about you, but for me exercise is one of those things I dread doing even though I know it’s good for me. It takes discipline, commitment and hard work.

Trying to fit some kind of exercise into my hectic schedule is no simple task either. Between working 5 days a week, running a household and other obligations, it’s difficult to find the time.

Sure, I could get up at the crack of down and walk around the block or hit the treadmill for 30 minutes, but then I’d have to drag myself out of bed at 5:00 a.m.! I’m already sleep-deprived as it is, so that’s not an option.

As for evenings… after spending 8 hours at the office and a long commute home, I just want to chill in front of the TV with a glass of wine.

Believe me, I’ve come up with every excuse in the book NOT to exercise – “too busy,” “too tired,” and, of course, “there’s always tomorrow.” I know… lame, lame, lame!

But, then I had an epiphany. Actually, I took a good look in the mirror and noticed I had a few too many rolls around the middle ― let’s just say I’m starting to resemble the Michelin Man. Ugh! My final wake-up call came when I had trouble squeezing into my fail-safe “big girl” jeans.


I decided then and there it was time to end my slothful ways and make exercise a part of my daily life.

My plan is to walk for 30-35 minutes over my lunch hour or after dinner at least 5 days a week and eventually work up to 45-60 minutes every day except Sunday (that’s my day off).  I’m also going to incorporate strength training into my exercise routine, 2-3 days a week.

Maybe I’ll even start biking or take up yoga. Exercise has to be fun for me, or I’m not going to do it.

When I feel the urge to throw in the towel, I’ll just remind myself it’ll be worth all the effort once I’m able to fit into my skinny jeans and wear sleeveless tops without looking like a bat in flight. An even better incentive… active people are healthier and live longer than the typical couch spud!

Staying motivated is going to be my biggest challenge, so I did some research and compiled a list of ideas to help me lead a more active life.

If you’re having trouble finding the time or the desire to exercise, maybe these tips will inspire you too.

  • Make exercise a priority. Think of it as something you do on a regular basis, like brushing your teeth, so it becomes a habit instead of just a once-and-awhile, “when I feel like it” kind of thing.
  • Ease into it. If you’ve been inactive for a while, start with 20-30 minutes of moderate exercise. Try walking around the block or on a treadmill. If you’re short on time, break it up into two 15 minute sessions. Work up to 40-60 minutes of exercise at least 5-6 times a week. Even though you may feel a little tired at first, chances are once those endorphins kick in you’ll want to keep going!
  • Count your steps to keep you on track. Get a Fit Bit activity tracker or a regular pedometer to record how many steps you’re taking each day. They add up quickly. Park farther from the door at work or the mall. Take the stairs, instead of the elevator. Every bit counts, and gets your heart pumping.
  • Mix it up and find different ways to be active – take Pilates, yoga or spinning classes, swim, jump rope, dance, bike, hike, play sports outside or games on your Wii, or workout with exercise DVDs… anything to get off the couch and get moving. To relieve boredom and keep the momentum going, try exercising to upbeat tunes. I finally got an MP3 player and headphones so I can play my favorite rock music while I walk. If you make exercising fun, you’ll be more inclined to stick with it.
  • Get an exercise buddy. Ask a friend, neighbor or family member to join you on your morning or evening walk, play tennis or racquet ball, take a fitness class or hit the gym together. You can support and encourage each other as you work out, plus it makes you more accountable if you’re doing it with someone else. In other words, if one of you tries to skip your workout the other will guilt you into doing it!
  • Come up with an incentive to stay on track. Sign up for a charity walk or run, strive to get into shape for a special event like a wedding or class reunion, or a tropical vacation. (I have a friend who wants to slim down for a cruise next winter so she has pictures of bikini-clad models on her refrigerator for inspiration.) Or, maybe you just want to improve your overall health. Whatever the reason, having a specific goal in mind will help you stay focused.
  • Be realistic. Let’s face it, you’re not going to lose that muffin top or those thunder thighs overnight. It’s going to take dedication, discipline, sweat and time (and patience!) to reach your fitness goals. The main thing is not to give up!

No more excuses now! Keep the Nike slogan ingrained in your brain… just do it!

– Catherine B. enjoys her work, but is looking forward to retiring so she can write whatever (and whenever) she wants at home in her pajamas.